Thin Endometrial Lining

The endometrium is the layer of the uterus that thickens in preparation for the implantation of the fertilized embryo. It is also the layer that is shed during menstruation. Estrogen is responsible for creating a thick, lush and blood-rich endometrium. If estrogen levels are too low or blood flow is inadequate then the uterine lining will remain thin. A healthy adequate uterine lining is at least 8mm thick.

The thickness and quality of your endometrial lining may have an impact on the success of your IVF and your ability to carry a baby to term. Endometrial thickness has been shown to be an important prognostic factor of successful embryo implantation in IVF. In general, as endometrial thickness increases, so does pregnancy rate. Endometrial thickness between 6mm-14mm is ideal.


Our approach  is to improve both the thickness and quality of the endometrial lining. Acupuncture not only thickens endometrial lining but also increases vascularization of the lining as well, thereby enhancing implantation and reducing miscarriage rates.

   Tel: 902-407-4355    604 Bedford Highway,Suite 201 Halifax, NS    B3M 2L8

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