Qi Balance

Monthly acupuncture for Qi Balance promotes a healthy constitution and long life

Historically in China, acupuncturists were paid to keep people well. You paid the acupuncturist, followed your instructions, came for treatments if necessary.If you got sick you stopped paying the acupuncturist and it was their responsibility to get you well again.

In the traditional view acupuncture works by redirecting the flow of Qi (pronounced ‘chee’), the life force. By knowing the ways of Qi and the special properties of each acupuncture point, a skilled acupuncturist can redirect the body's energy in delicate and sophisticated ways, conserving Qi whenever possible and draining toxic stagnant energies safely.

The reduced stress levels that flow from good health habits and regular acupuncture treatment can speed personal growth and development. The accelerated aging characteristic of high-stress lifestyles is slowed and the development of degenerative disease is delayed or blunted. 

   Tel: 902-407-4355          email:qing.therapy@gmail.com    604 Bedford Highway,Suite 201 Halifax, NS    B3M 2L8

*Qing Li Chinese Therapy, all results may vary on a individual basis so we make no guarantees, warranties or representations, implied or express, as to the appropriateness, timeliness, accuracy, completeness, and/or usefulness of any of the information, opinions, advice, services, data or other information contained or referenced on this website. Qing Li Chinese Therapy assumes no risk or obligation for your use of this website. Persons who visit and use this site are hereby advised and need to be fully aware that there are many controversies in the research, diagnosis and treatment. Further, information and understanding about any of our treatments are in a constant state of change. As the Qingli.ca website is only updated on a periodic basis, the site may not contain the most recent and updated medical information. Qing Li Chinese Therapy reserves the right to update or change information contained on this website at any time.*